2017年3月3日 金曜日 雪(札幌)
George Orwell, The Road to Wigan Pier, A Harvest Book, Harcourt, Inc., 1958; first published 1937.
オーディオブック: The Road to Wigan Pier, Written by: George Orwell
Narrated by: Jeremy Northam, Length: 7 hrs and 37 mins, Unabridged Audiobook, Release Date:03-08-12, Publisher: Canongate Books
Under the capitalist system, in order that England may live in comparative comfort, a hundred million Indians must live on the verge of starvation—an evil state of affairs, but you acquiesce in it every time you step into a taxi or eat a plate of strawberries and cream. The alternative is to throw the Empire overboard and reduce England to a cold and unimportant little island where we should all have to work very hard and live mainly on herrings and potatoes. That is the very last thing that any left-winger wants. Yet the left-winger continues to feel that he has no moral responsibility for imperialism. He is perfectly ready to accept the products of Empire and to save his soul by sneering at the people who hold the Empire together. (ibid, p160-161)