culture & history

Vltchek 欧米の大衆は「知らない」のか、それとも「知ることを望んでいない」のか?

2018年12月5日 水曜日 曇り
Vltchek 欧米の大衆は「知らない」のか、それとも「知ることを望んでいない」のか?
Andre Vltchek
— but at least they could show some curiosity about those places that are being sacrificed in order to maintain those ridiculously high standards of living in the West. There are so many places on earth where thousands, even hundreds of thousands die annually, so the Europeans can enjoy their free medical care, education and the latest models of cars.
欧米でばかげたほど高い生活水準を維持するために犠牲にされているそうした場所について、少なくとも彼ら(=ヨーロッパや北アメリカに住む人々の多く)が若干の好奇心を示すことはできようはずだ(が、できていない)。無料の医療や教育あるいは最新モデル自動車をヨーロッパ人が享受するために、何千人もが、それどころか何十万人さえもが毎年亡くなる場所が地球上には本当に多くあるのだ。(和訳部分は、 マスコミに載らない海外記事さんの181203付けの記事より引用。修飾語や句読点の位置などを若干改変。)
Let’s look at the world news. As this essay is being written, and as was mentioned above, Syria is recovering from another terrible chemical attack. France is possibly involved. Yet while in France, protesters are clashing with the police. Over what? Over high fuel prices. Fuel prices in France. That is as far as Europe is willing to go with its protest movements: prices, wages, privileges, privileges, privileges! Who pays for the privileges is irrelevant (to those who live in the West). Europeans know and care only about their ‘rights’ but not about their ‘responsibilities’ towards the world. They want justice for themselves, but never justice for the entire humankind. 
世界のニュースを見てみよう。この文章を書いている時点で、上で述べたように、シリアはもう1つのひどい化学兵器攻撃から回復しつつある。フランスは多分関係している。それでもその間フランス国内では、抗議行動参加者が警察と衝突している。一体何に関してだろう?  高い燃料価格に対してだ。フランス国内の燃料価格に対してなのだ! それはヨーロッパがその抗議行動を喜んで許容する範囲内までに対してだ:価格、賃金、権利、権利、権利! その特権に対して誰が代償を支払っているのかは(欧米に住んでいる人々には)無関係だ。世界に対して、ヨーロッパ人は彼らの「責任」についてではなくただ彼らの「権利」について、知っていて慮(おもんぱか)る。彼らは彼ら自身のためだけに公正を欲するが、人類全体のためには公正を欲することが決してない。(同じく、マスコミに載らない海外記事さんの181203付けの記事より語句を若干改変して引用。)
Mostly, the fact is not always that the ‘population in the West is brainwashed’. That would really be quite a good scenario: and something relatively easy to correct.
The problem is much greater: The inhabitants of the West do not want to know, because deep inside, they do not want the system to change. They don’t want the world order to be modified.
They intuitively feel that if what is being proposed by Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuela, Iran and other countries were implemented, their personal privileges would vanish. Their countries would become equal to all other countries on earth; they would have to obey international laws, and their people would be forced to work hard for their living. Plundering the planet would be banned. Privileges would stop.
Therefore, it is better ‘not to know’, not to understand. This way, the ‘pie’, or call it ‘carrot’, would not be lost.
The ‘ignorance’ in the West, I believe, is subconsciously ‘self-inflicted’. With knowledge, comes responsibility. With responsibility, an obligation to act (because not to act would be clearly immoral). All this could only lead to the loss of privileges.
The propagandists of the West are very well aware of the situation. I was told by some leading psychologists, that both psychiatrists and psychologists are employed and used in the process of ‘shaping the public opinion’, therefore, working for propaganda-makers. They study and analyze the ‘mood of the public’. They know public’s desires and aspirations.
All this is not as easy as it appears, is it?
Sadly, there is a silent (unpronounced and unsigned) agreement between the Western public and its establishment, as well as the corporate world, that the status quo should be maintained at all cost (paid for by “the others”); the West should be controlling the planet, and at least some part of the booty has to be shared among the (Western) masses.
What they are fighting over on the streets of Paris and other European cities is ‘how big the part of the pie that goes to the pockets of the common European people’ should be. There is absolutely no struggle to end the plunder of the world by the West.
Unfortunately, the world cannot count at all on the European or North American public for support in the struggle to destroy and end imperialism, neo-colonialism and the continuous deadly plunder.
It is not because the public in the West ‘doesn’t know’, but because it does everything it can in order not to know. Or if it knows or suspects, it makes sure to act as if it is ignorant. For its own selfish interests. For its own privileges.
On the other hand, countries like Russia, China, Venezuela, Cuba, Syria or Iran cannot ever ‘appease’ the West. As long as they demand justice for all, as well as a revised global order, they will be smeared, demonized and eventually attacked. The confrontation appears to be inevitable. And it is the West which will begin the war.
一方、ロシアや中国やベネズエラやキューバやシリア、あるいはイランのような国は今までに欧米を「なだめる」ことができていない。彼らが、全員のための公正と、修正された国際秩序を要求する限り、彼らは中傷され、悪者にされ、遂には攻撃されるだろう。 対決は避けられないように思われる。そして戦争を始めるのは欧米だ。
The change, the revolution, will come, and is already coming ‘from the outside’, from the countries that are refusing to accept the Empire’s brutality and fully undemocratic control over so many parts of the planet.
And let us be very frank: The West will be fighting, by all means and fully united, against any fundamental change in the way the world is presently arranged.
It will soon be the West (including its governments, corporations and extremely obedient and selfish citizens), against the rest of the planet.