
血清コレステロール値が低い人の方が生命予後が悪い。Death rate is higher in humans with low compared with normal or moderately elevated serum total cholesterol.

2021年12月31日 金曜日 晴れ(追記は2022年1月2日・日曜日 晴れ)

PUFA, polyunsaturated fatty acid (長鎖不飽和脂肪酸): 

﨑谷博征 「プーファ」フリーであなたはよみがえる! 生命場を歪ませるアルデヒド 健康常識パラダイムシフトシリーズ1 鉱脈社 2017年








補註220102補正: 﨑谷氏のこの本の評価は私には最初、難しかった。というのも、180度異なった言説が以前に通説として通っており、少年や青年(1970年代)の頃の私は、その根拠(主にAncel Keys 氏のデータ)に当たることもせず、耳にしたこと(NHKテレビなどのマスコミ情報)を信じていた形であったからだ。根拠となる科学的なデータの多くがいわゆる実験疫学や実験栄養学に属する動物実験や臨床研究であるため、私の過去の知見(主に細胞レベルや分子レベルの実験結果からの考察)を援用することは難しい。つまり、私は普通の「素人」である。しかし、非常に大切なテーマなので、科学文献に当たって調べてみることにした。


Fat and Cholesterol Don’t Cause Heart Attacks and Statins are Not The Solution

・・All of these contributions expose the fallacies of the lipid hypothesis, which was called “the greatest scientific deception of this century, perhaps of any century” by the distinguished nutritionist George Mann, former Co-Director of the Framingham Study.


The Great Cholesterol Myth Now Includes 100 Recipes for Preventing and Reversing Heart Disease: Why Lowering Your Cholesterol Won’t Prevent Heart Disease-and the Statin-Free Plan that Will

Get proven, evidence-based strategies from the experts with The Great Cholesterol Myth Now Includes 100 Recipes for Preventing and Reversing Heart Disease.Heart disease is the #1 killer. However, traditional heart disease protocols–with their emphasis on lowering cholesterol–have it all wrong. Emerging science is showing that cholesterol levels are a poor predictor of heart disease and that standard prescriptions for lowering it, such as ineffective low-fat/high-carb diets and serious, side-effect-causing statin drugs, obscure the real causes of heart disease. Even doctors at leading institutions have been misled for years based on creative reporting of research results from pharmaceutical companies intent on supporting the $31-billion-a-year cholesterol-lowering drug industry.


Ancel Keys did a huge disservice to millions of people worldwide when he perpetrated the myth that eating fat causes high cholesterol which he then・・

The brain is almost 70% fat, and we need fat to function!・・

Ancel Keys did a huge disservice to millions of people worldwide when he perpetrated the myth that eating fat causes high cholesterol which he then stated firmly causes cardio vascular disease. He used the figures of merely 7 of the 20 countries records that he researched. If you choose a different 7 you can ‘prove’ that high cholesterol is GOOD. If you use all 20 stats (good scientists use ALL the information they collect, NOT pick and choose to back up their opinions) then you find that the small correlation is that slightly HIGHER cholesterol is more protective than low! This is the complete opposite of the bad science that Ancel Keys stated was ‘proven’ it was no such thing. And the result of his badly run study? Millions of people overweight and unhealthy, huge and increasing numbers of type II diabetics, some of whom lose limbs as a result of the diabetes, and why? Because they eat far too many carbohydrates and eschew good fat, such as that in meat/eggs/cheese etc. My partner is no longer on insulin (after reading books including this one) is now on a high fat low carb diet, with no portion control (fat fills you up better for longer) and has lost 4 stone over 2 years. Do yourself a favour and read this, and other similar books, please! (補註##)

補註220102 Ancel Keys 氏の大規模スタディが、どうやら「換骨奪胎」「いいとこ取り」の捏造であったようだ。このスタディが基となって、何十年にもわたって人々が、国々が、そして世界中が惑わされていたようだ。

早速にもこれらの本を読んでみたいのだが、ネット通販のサイトの不調のために注文が通らず、2021年の大晦日を無為に通過してしまった。キンドル電子本なら簡単に手に入りそうなので、キンドル電子本にするか、とも思う。サイトが修復された後にオーダーして紙の読書にするか、現在、考慮中である。後者の方が、頭に入って来易いし、恐らく私の眼に優しいように思う。ただ、場所塞ぎではある。現実の危機として、私の部屋の中は紙の本のコンテナ3段重ねで十数個(今数えてみると22個!)、どんどん足の踏み場が乏しくなってきた。狭いところで、一杯着込んで蒲団を掛けて少し無理な姿勢で本を読んでいるので、ここ数日強い肩こり頭痛発作に苦しめられている。去年の冬から室内の都市ガス暖房が壊れていて使えないのが(冬の札幌暮らしでは)痛い。経済状態は2022年の8月下旬には改善する見込み、なので、それからお金を貯めて、来年2023年の冬までには何とか改善したいと家族と話している。(補註追記220105 本日、ブラウザーをSafariからGoogle Chromeに替えて注文を入れてみたところ、今度は注文がうまくいった。海外からの取り寄せなので少し時間がかかるが、本が届いたら早速レビューしてみたいと思う。)


Lawrence, G. D. (2021). Perspective: The Saturated Fat–Unsaturated Oil Dilemma: Relations of Dietary Fatty Acids and Serum Cholesterol, Atherosclerosis, Inflammation, Cancer, and All-Cause Mortality. Advances in Nutrition, 12(3), 647–656.doi:10.1093/advances/nmab013 


The Saturated Fat–Unsaturated Oil Dilemma: Relations of Dietary Fatty Acids and Serum Cholesterol, Atherosclerosis, Inflammation, Cancer, and All-Cause Mortality

PUFAs are known to regulate cholesterol synthesis and cellular uptake by multiple mechanisms that do not involve SFAs. Polymorphisms in any of the numerous proteins involved in cholesterol homeostasis, as a result of genetic variation, could lead to higher or lower serum cholesterol. PUFAs are susceptible to lipid peroxidation, which can lead to oxidative stress, inflammation, atherosclerosis, cancer, and disorders associated with inflammation, such as insulin resistance, arthritis, and numerous inflammatory syndromes. Eicosanoids from arachidonic acid are among the most powerful mediators that initiate an immune response, and a wide range of PUFA metabolites regulate numerous physiological processes. There is a misconception that dietary SFAs can cause inflammation, although endogenous palmitic acid is converted to ceramides and other cell constituents involved in an inflammatory response after it is initiated by lipid mediators derived from PUFAs. This article will discuss the many misconceptions regarding how dietary lipids regulate serum cholesterol, the fact that all-cause death rate is higher in humans with low compared with normal or moderately elevated serum total cholesterol, the numerous adverse effects of increasing dietary PUFAs or carbohydrate relative to SFAs, as well as metabolic conversion of PUFAs to SFAs and MUFAs as a protective mechanism. Consequently, dietary saturated fats seem to be less harmful than the proposed alternatives.


