literature & arts

Maugham, Cakes and Ale

2017年3月25日 雪のち晴れ

W. Somerset Maugham, Cakes and Ale, Vintage Classics, 2000 (First published in 1930 by William Heinemann)

オーディオブック Cakes and Ale, Written by: W. Somerset Maugham, Narrated by: James Saxon, Length: 6 hrs and 33 mins, Unabridged Audiobook, Release Date:01-13-11, Publisher: Audible Studios

補註 私の手に入れたVintage本は、なぜか珍しく古いブックカバーが掛かっていて、イギリスのどこかの図書館で貸し出し用に供されていたもののようだ。2004年に購入されて、2011年の1月まで、盛んに貸し出されていて、それから古本屋さんの手に落ちたもののようだ。2004年の購入だから、そんなに古い本というわけではないが、大勢の人に読まれたためか、多くの陽射しも浴びたせいか、紙が激しく茶色に変色して古色を帯びている。

補註 ・・今回、私はオーディオブックを聴きながら、緑や赤のボールペンで一杯書き込みしながら2回通り読み(聴き)通した。Cakes and Ale というのは不思議なタイトルであるが、主人公のロージーと語り手(一人称、この場合はモームの化身である作家のアッシェンデン氏)との関わり合いの中で自然に意味がわかるように書かれている(ネタバレになるのでここでは記載しない)。



‘Was it that death Driffield described in The Cup of Life?’
‘Yes, That’s it. I always thought it so funny of Ted. He couldn’t bear to speak of it, any more than I could, but he wrote it all down; he didn’t leave out a thing; even little things I hadn’t noticed at the time he put in, and then I remembered them. You’d think he was just heartless, but he wasn’t, he was upset just as much as I was. When we used to go home at night he’d cry like a child. Funny chap, wasn’t he?’
It was The Cup of Life that had raised such a storm of protest; and it was the child’s death and the episode that followed it that had especially brought down on Driffield’s head such virulent abuse. (ibid., pp189-190)


補註 ところで、このヴィンティジ版の表紙にはタイトルの下に、
‘The modern writer who has influenced me the most’ George Orwell
‘One of my favorite writers’ Gabriel Garcia Marquez
 この Cakes and Ale では語り手の文学論がさりげなく語られているところも魅力である。たとえば・・

‘I think the instinctive judgements I formed when I was a boy were right. They told me Carlyle was a great writer and I was ashamed that I found the French Revolution and Sartor Resorts unreadable. Can anyone read them now? ・・ In my heart I found him (George Meredith) affected, verbose and insincere. A good many people think so too now. (ibid., p27)

  ’And what did you think much of then that you think much of still?’
‘Well, Tristram Shandy and Amelia and Vanity Fair, Madame Bovary, La Chartreuse de Parme, and Anna Karenina. And Wordsworth and Keats and Verlaine.’


補註 Amelia ・・ウィキペディアによると・・・
Amelia is a sentimental novel written by Henry Fielding and published in December 1751. It was the fourth and final novel written by Fielding, and it was printed in only one edition while the author was alive, although 5,000 copies were published of the first edition. Amelia follows the life of Amelia and Captain William Booth after they are married. It contains many allusions to classical literature and focuses on the theme of marriage and feminine intelligence, but Fielding’s stance on gender issues cannot be determined because of the lack of authorial commentary discussing the matter. Although the novel received praise from many writers and critics, it received more criticism from Fielding’s competition, possibly resulting from the “paper war” in which the author was involved.

