

2020年12月9日 水曜日 曇り(札幌)


Family tree https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wars_of_the_Roses The hinge point in the succession dispute is the forced abdication of Richard II and whether it was lawful or not. Following that event, Richard’s legitimate successor would be Henry Bolingbroke if strict Salic inheritance were adhered to, or Anne Mortimer if male-preference primogeniture, which eventually became the standard form of succession (until the Succession to the Crown Act 2013), were adhered to. The above-listed individuals with well-defined sides are coloured with red borders for Lancastrians and blue for Yorkists (The Kingmaker, his relatives and George Plantagenet changed sides, so they are represented with a purple border)


The Lancastrian siege of London in 1471 is attacked by a Yorkist sally.

A near-contemporary Flemish picture of the Battle of Barnet in 1471

